Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
And you'll be
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look
And you'll see
Into your imagination,
These famous lyrics from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are just that lyrics right?
Not when it comes to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory - The new Musical.
It is not often when we get to actually hear what our client has in their imagination and have the opportunity to fullfill it - FULLY.
So what is this re-imaged for Her Majesty's Theatre Melbourne version of Charlie and the Choclate Factory all about?
So how did Melbourne celebrate the opening extravaganza that was the red carpet evening?
Check out this cool video reel and see a sneak behind the scenes.
Thats the awesome thing about working with the team at the Star Decor Group, we are Kaboom Confetti for all your confetti needs and Magic in the Middle for all your balloon requirements.
Be like Charlie - contact the professional team today afterall you only get one opening night!
And with us you do not need a golden ticket!